Conceptual design of a jetengine injector test bench
Test bench, conceptual design, injectors, jet engines, parametersAbstract
Every product development must go through the conceptual design stage, which involves obtaining a partial solution to a problem based on the client’s specifications, requirements, and needs. In the case of a jet engine, the way fuel enters the combustion chamber has a significant impact on its performance. Operational parameters such as spray angle, pressure, and fuel atomization are determining factors that directly influence combustion speed and mixture formation, leading to an alteration in combustion in jet engines. For this reason, injectors play an important role in the fuel injection system. Thus, the maintenance of this component is of great relevance and impact on the engine. The preservation of the injector’s proper functioning is ensured through the use of a test bench, a tool used to maintain this component, during which the injectors are calibrated, evaluated, and parameterized against a model previously established by the manufacturer. Given the above, this article will describe the conceptual design of a test bench for jet engine injectors. As a starting point, the most appropriate methodology is selected, considering the client’s requirements and needs obtained through a survey, to generate concepts evaluated through the house of quality. The final concept is characterized by having a stainless steel structure, an advanced alert system, and an ergonomic design, with high-tech elements that make it the most expensive of the established options.
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