Glider flight potential: analysis and possible implementation at the Colombian Air Force Academy
Challenges, flight instruction, Flying and Handling Qualities, glider flight, introductory programAbstract
This research analyzes the potential of glider flight and its possible implementation as a complementary setting program to the phases of flight at the Colombian Air Force Academy, addressing glider flight as an object of study from the perspective of the brazilian air force, an organization that currently has an active glider flight course, designed to complement the training process of its pilots, and which, based on its experience, has been a determination that has led to the development of skills, providing a better training as well as achieving the continuous training of its pilots. To address this analysis three specific moments have been proposed, initially a characterization of glider flight and its importance for the training of a pilot is proposed from the documentary consultation and the experience of the brazilian air force; Subsequently, the main barriers to the implementation of glider flight in colaf (colombian air force) pilot training and, in the final part, different lines of action are proposed for the future implementation of glider flight in colaf pilot training.
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