Implementation of a centralized remote system as a way to improve aeronautical maintenance
Aeronautical Maintenance, Air Navigation Services, Control, Monitoring, Radio Navigation Aids, Remote System, Safety, Air Traffic Operational SafetyAbstract
This article describes the implementation process of a system to access navigation data remotely from the central airport of the Antioquia Regional Division of the Civil Aeronautics Authority. The system operates in the ATSEP (Air Traffic Safety Electronic Personnel) work terminal and allows for the efficient collection of navigation data obtained from radio air navigation aids, located in the Antioquia Regional Division. Maintaining Radio aids operating is critical for the fulfillment of the organization’s mission, and for the safety of airspace users.
The problem that was found was the difficulty in accessing and managing Radio Aids, since there was no real-time connection channel with the stations in the Region. To mitigate this problem, a remote access system was designed to interconnect them to a central station. This allowed unnecessary costs to be eliminated, because there was no longer a need to send technical personnel to the radio site in the case of failure or alarm; It also allowed for constant monitoring and access to navigation systems, which can be used for maintenance and operation. Therefore, it is now possible to provide 24/7 service that guarantees effective and reliable air safety.
To achieve this, different radio links were installed. They send data to the main tower of each airport in the Regional Division. Then, the information was integrated into the Aeronautics Authority’s network through network devices (Port Server and Switch) that are part of the implemented system.
The elements used for the system were recycled from previously disassembled systems from the Aeronautics Civil Authority. By using these elements, the system was implemented efficiently, optimizing costs and taking advantage of the materials available to the entity.
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