
Journal Ethics

The journal complies with Elsevier Ethical Guidelines for Journal Publication. According to these, submissions must be original and unpublished works and must not be simultaneously in evaluation nor have editorial commitments with any other publication. If the manuscript is accepted, the editor expects its appearance to precede any other full or partial publication. When the journal is interested in publishing a paper that has already been published, the author must request authorization from the publisher that made the first publication and refer this information to the editor.

Duties of the Editor:

• Decide which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published.
• Ensure that the peer review process is fair, unbiased, and timely.
• Guarantee that the intellectual content of the article will be the only basis for the editorial decision.
• Not attempt to influence the journal’s ranking by artificially increasing any journal metric.
• Protect the confidentiality of the editorial processes and documents.
• Declare any possible conflicts of interest.

Duties of the Editorial Team

Ciencia y Poder Aéreo editorial team, its Director and its Editor, along with its Editorial and Scientific committees, are responsible for defining the editorial policies for ensuring that the journal meets standards that allow its positioning as a recognized scientific and academic publication. Constant review of these parameters ensures that the journal improves and meets the expectations of the academic and scientific community within the aerospace industry.

In addition to being accountable for the editorial regulations, the editorial team must also publish corrections, clarifications, rectifications, and provide explanations, when necessary.
The editorial team is responsible, prior assessment, for choosing the best papers to be published. This selection will always be based on the quality and relevance of the manuscript, as well as its originality and contribution to the generation of new scientific or technological knowledge. The decision will also consider the importance or impact of the discussions and reflections of the proposal in the subject areas covered by the journal.

The Editor oversees the editorial process of all submissions and develops confidentiality mechanisms to ensure a double-blind evaluation process.

When the journal receives complaints of any kind, its editorial team must answer them on time, following the rules established by the publication, and, when deemed necessary, they must ensure an appropriate assessment leading to the resolution of the problem is carried out. It should be noted that, although Ciencia y Poder Aéreo counts on an editorial and ethics policy, the journal is not responsible for the concepts expressed in the papers. Full responsibility lies with the authors, who certify they have respected the intellectual property rights of third parties and acknowledged and accepted the journal's policies.

As soon as a new issue of the journal is published, the Editor is responsible for its dissemination and distribution among authors, reviewers and entities with current exchange agreements, as well as to national and international repositories and indexing systems. Likewise, the Editor will be in charge of delivering the samples of the journal to active subscribers.