Fundamentals and structureof the Colegio del Aire
Educational administration, higher military education, funding, education management, strategic planningAbstract
The main issue in Higher Military Education is the lack of information about it—little is known, and even less is published in Mexico. In military education, as in other educational systems, success or failure depends on how management, strategic planning, and the processes for operating that planning are carried out. These possibilities are natural, as in all organizations, from the way its structure is designed, the planning, strategies, and operational tactics, to administration.
This research was conducted with the objective of exploring the management practices at the Air College, an institution of higher education within Mexico’s military education system, to identify its conception, regulations, structure, funding, and strategic planning. It is a documentary investigation with a qualitative approach from an analytical perspective, through the review and analysis of official documents to identify its policies, regulations, governance, administration, strategic planning, and funding. It is worth noting that military education in Mexico has over two hundred years of history. The institution analyzed was founded in 1959 and has strengths, such as recognition in the training of Mexican Air Force officers to ensure the security of airspace. It also has specialists in aeronautics and military administration and is a consolidated organization. Opportunities include forming partnerships with other civilian educational institutions, and management and strategic planning are areas that deserve improvement.
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