Evaluation of hydrogen cells as an alternative to kerosene in aviation: an approach towards aeronautical energy sustainability
Hydrogen, fuel cells, kerosene, aviation, emissions, renewable, air transportAbstract
This study focuses on analyzing in detail the use of hydrogen cells as a possible alternative to kerosene, the fuel traditionally used in aviation, in order to meet the challenges related to energy sustainability in the aeronautical field. The research focuses on assessing both the environmental impact and the long-term viability of adopting hydrogen cells in the aviation industry.
First, the environmental impact of hydrogen cells compared to kerosene is examined. The potential benefits in terms of reducing carbon emissions and air pollutants are analyzed, which could contribute significantly to climate change mitigation and improved air quality in areas near airports and flight routes. These benefits are based on the fact that hydrogen cells produce energy through chemical reactions that generate water vapor.
However, the challenges associated with the production and sustainable supply of hydrogen are also considered. For hydrogen cells to be a viable long-term option in aviation, adequate infrastructure is needed to produce, store and distribute hydrogen sustainably. This involves overcoming obstacles such as the generation of hydrogen from renewable sources, the development of safe and efficient storage technologies, and the implementation of a supply network covering airports and flight routes.
The results obtained in this study provide an informed information on the viability of hydrogen cells and also compare the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the use of hydrogen cells in relation to kerosene. It highlights its potential to address sustainability challenges in the aeronautical sector, which can lead to a significant reduction in carbon emissions and air pollutants. However, it underlines the importance of overcoming the challenges associated with the production and sustainable supply of hydrogen to ensure the long-term viability of this technology in aviation.
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