Geospatial Collective Intelligence Approach in the appreciation phase of military planning




Collective Intelligence, Military planning, Spatial Delphi Method, Spatial Decision Support Systems


Military planning is an important process that allows to determine the best tactic and the most efficient mean to use military power, allowing command staff to make accurate and prompt decisions. For this purpose, it is essential to have a deep knowledge of military science and operational factors such as geographic space, force, and time, which results in greater probabilities of success in the execution of military operations. This research article intends to propose a new approach in the appreciation phase of military planning based on a research project called Collective Intelligence Geospatial Planning Model, which works through an automation of the Real Time Spatial Delphi method from a web-based tool called Geospatial System of Collective Intelligence (SIGIC, acronyms in Spanish). Such automation obtains a geo-consensus that allows us to conclude if it would be relevant or adequate to provide or give support to the commander in complex geographical scenarios. Current and prospective geospatial patterns can be established through geo-consensus, which is mainly focused on the planning, organization, and use of territorial resources.


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Technology and Innovation

How to Cite

Geospatial Collective Intelligence Approach in the appreciation phase of military planning. (2023). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 18(2), 67-74.