Geopolitical challenges and new dilemmas for industrial policies
Policies, State, industrialization, geopolitics, technology, managementAbstract
This paper is inserted in the subject of new technical and productive processes in the light of different national strategies to promote their growth in manufacturing and society. In this framework, the objective of the paper is to discuss the possibilities of new public policies for the development of new digital technologies in the current global situation. Emphasizing the possibilities of positioning Latin America from a digital transformation based on the development and training of skills and talents.
To achieve this objective, the paper summarizes the socioeconomic challenges imposed by the phenomenon of increasing digitization, its benefits and obstacles, and the responses adopted by different industrialized and emerging countries to promote the advancement of digital technologies and their techno-productive and social incorporation. Secondly, the paper reviews the critical facts of the current situation that determine options for digital transformation at the global level: post-pandemic scenarios, geopolitical repositionings influenced by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the strategies of industrialized countries in search of global technological leadership.
The paper concludes that the current situation of economic and political crisis and uncertainty makes it impossible to foresee future paths for the incorporation of new digital technologies. In the search for global technological leadership, industrialized countries adopt new advanced technologies (not only digital ones), encouraging the private sectors to assume increasing risks of assimilation of these technologies and advance in new institutional and regulatory schemes. In this scenario, the challenge for Latin American countries lies in locating technological niches where they can insert themselves by supporting the training of talent and capabilities in the economy and society to boost the adoption of new technologies through the coordinated action of different groups in society, business and the State.
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