Design and construction of a portable system for automatic curing of composite materials


  • Andrés Marcelo Carranco Herrera Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana, Ecuador.



vacuum control, curing, composite materials, automatic portable system, heat treatment


Air Force (EAF), a leading entity at the national level for aerospace development, constantly seeks to reduce technological dependence for aeronautical maintenance. It is at this point that it becomes necessary to develop all kinds of technological tools that support supervision and maintenance tasks. One of the priority areas for the FAE is composite materials widely used in the manufacture of aeronautical products. For this reason, the design and construction of a portable system for the automatic curing of composite materials is proposed to contribute to the research, characterization, manufacture and repair of aeronautical components. To achieve better mechanical properties required by an aeronautical product in order to withstand the loads to which the material will be subjected during a flight operation, it is essential to achieve good performance in the curing process. For the development of the system, a conceptual methodology was used, proposing various solution alternatives, directing the effort to sketch, size the equipment and choose the best product concept. Once the concept was defined, the system was materialized specifying the vacuum control subsystems that allow a redistribution of the matrix in the reinforcing fibers of the composite material during curing; the heat treatment subsystem is responsible for increasing the temperature of the composite in order to achieve the necessary mechanical properties. The automation of the curing process of composite materials generates optimal results, achieving versatile, useful and robust equipment. Finally, when using the equipment for the purpose for which it was designed, the efficiency of curing composite materials in an automated manner is evident compared to manual curing at room temperature.


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Author Biography

  • Andrés Marcelo Carranco Herrera, Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana, Ecuador.

    Magíster en Dirección Logística e Ingeniero en Mecatrónica Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo
    de la Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana, Ecuador. Rol del investigador: teórico, experimental, escritura.


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Technology and Innovation

How to Cite

Design and construction of a portable system for automatic curing of composite materials. (2022). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 17(1), 81-97.