Satellite Systems for Colombian Space Development with Multi-domain Operations




constellation design, regional coverage, nanosatellite networks, heterogeneous agents


The development of regions in rural areas and their connection with urban areas in Colombian territory has been one of the great challenges for an effective presence of the state. Different alternatives have been proposed for the provision of aerospace services that offer means for a permanent communication and tools for terrestrial observation, as well as support against the effects of climate phenomena, demographic quantification, the control of areas and populations, the determination of routes and access roads, among other alternatives that enhance the comprehensive development of communities and their technological infrastructure. Based on this, we developed a support methodology for the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of the presented design process, which includes the calculation of operational conditions and orbital elements, performance parameters, coverage areas, number of planes and satellites, and different models of satellite constellations within the national territory. In order to provide different alternatives for the design and use of satellite equipment with useful information for the structuring of State-level strategic plans that allow the appropriation of aerospace technologies and provide services comparable to the level of access to communications and ground observation, as the means for planning public policies aimed at enhancing connectivity and technological capabilities in Colombia.


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Author Biographies

  • Germán Wedge Rodríguez Pirateque, National University of Colombia, Colombia.

    MSc in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering. PhD student. Grupo de plataformas robóticas UN-ROBOT Author's role: intellectual, experimental and writing of the paper.

  • Julián Camilo Páez Piñeros, National University of Colombia, Colombia.

    Mechatronics Engineer. Master's degree student. Grupo de plataformas robóticas UN-ROBOT Author's role: intellectual, experimental and writing of the paper.

  • Jorge Sofrony Esmeral, National University of Colombia, Colombia.

    PhD in Control Systems. Grupo de plataformas robóticas UN-ROBOT Author's role: intellectual, experimental and writing of the paper.


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How to Cite

Satellite Systems for Colombian Space Development with Multi-domain Operations. (2021). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 16(2), 46-59.