Orbital Evolution of the FACSAT-1 Satellite and Estimation of its Re-entry Time





CubeSat, orbital decay, low earth orbit, orbital propagation, atmospheric resistance


This work presents data related to the launch of the FACSAT-1 satellite into orbit —the first property of a Colombian government institution— and estimates on its decay rate during the first two years of operation. For this purpose, we used data of the orbital elements from the date of its launching (late November 2018) until the end of 2020. Two well-differentiated decay stages were observed: 8 m/d and 18 m/d (from late September 2020); the latter due to increased solar activity by a rise of 2.8 GHz in the solar emission flux. This work also reports the results obtained after the implementation of a high-fidelity propagator, which allows modeling the evolution of orbital elements in the upcoming years. Said modeling also made it possible to estimate the re-entry of the FACSAT-1 satellite for the first half of 2030 and predict the behavior of orbital elements in the next nine years.


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Author Biographies

  • José Gregorio Portilla Barbosa, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Doctorado en Física Teórica. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Colombia. Grupo de Investigación: Astronomía, astrofísica y cosmología Rol de investigador: téorico y escritura.

  • Jhonathan Orlando Murcia Piñeros, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Espaciales

    Doctorado en Ingeniería y Tecnología Espacial. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Espaciales del Brasil. Brasil. Grupo de Investigación: Grupo matemática pura y aplicada Rol de investigador: téorico y escritura.


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How to Cite

Orbital Evolution of the FACSAT-1 Satellite and Estimation of its Re-entry Time. (2021). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 16(1), 6-17. https://doi.org/10.18667/cienciaypoderaereo.694