Estimated noise reduction in military aeronautical maintenance activities




aeronautical noise, aircraft maintenance, ear protectors, industrial safety, noise pollution, occupational health


Activities in the field of military aviation are subject to different risk factors, including noise in many cases, such as in maintenance activities or the noise produced by the aircraft itself, so the only preventive measure is the use of protective elements. However, it is necessary to estimate the reduction provided by these devices and verify whether it is within the permitted limits. For this purpose, this research starts from sound pressure levels obtained in the workshops of five air bases, using CASELLA SERIE CEL-620 A broadband integrating sound level meter. Three different cup protectors were evaluated with the NIOSH, HML and SNR methods to calculate the theoretical attenuation, using the parameters available in the manufacturers’ catalogs to then statistically verify both the most appropriate type of protector and the most suitable application method. Regarding noise reduction levels calculated with the HML and SNR methods, these turned out to be less than 60 dB, considered as excessive protection, and differed by up to 23.95% from the attenuation with the more conservative NIOSH methodology, according to which certain activities require the use of simultaneous hearing protection with insertion earplugs and earmuffs. The results with the latter method established an additional 1 dB reduction with protector A1 over the others.


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Author Biography

  • Alvaro Guillermo Ortiz Rodríguez, Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana, Ecuador.

    Magíster en Gestión Ambiental. Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana, Ecuador. Rol de investigador: experimental y escritura.


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Operational Safety and Aviation Logistics

How to Cite

Estimated noise reduction in military aeronautical maintenance activities. (2022). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 17(1), 22-36.