Development of Regulatory Criteria and Security Protocols for Rocketry Experimentation within Colombian Territory
Aerospace, aeronautical engineering, regulations, safety protocols, rockettype vehiclesAbstract
The aerospace industry has evolved dramatically over the years, motivating the Colombian aerospace sector to undertake its own efforts regarding research and development. Such motivation promoted the two-phase research project that will be addressed in this work. The first part of this paper explains the methodology that was adapted to effectively conclude the first phase of the project and thus give a start to the second phase. Then, the article introduces the normative framework that supports research projects by international regulatory entities that could be adapted to national initiatives. Afterward, prior research studies on this subject and their contribution will be addressed, spanning over the history of rocketry in Colombia since the first experimental launches carried out about sixty years ago and the development of experimental protocols by Colombian universities and other institutions —including the work by San Buenaventura University (Bogotá) research group GIAS—, to finally connect these experiences with the objectives of this study. The last section presents the results obtained after the first phase of the project and what is expected during the second phase.
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Funding data
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Grant numbers FI015-002