Comparative study of Mobile Applications (app), in the measurement error with Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA)
Flight height, APP, measurement error, photogrammetry, RPAAbstract
The current topography incorporates the new RPA technologies for measuring areas, reducing data collection times and incorporating Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) through PPPs, facilitating their control and operation, making today systematic and intuitive data collection. This article reports the 5 main APPs used in the photogrammetry market, with the main objective of evaluating the measurement error associated to each one of them, through the construction of orthomosaic with the ZENMUSE X3 camera (FC350) of 12 Mp resolution of the drone DJI Inspire 1, establishing control points through topographic stations with millimeter precision, in order to find the error associated to each one of the orthomosaic built with the different APPs. It was found that the average margin of error for all APPs is 1.11 %, likewise, it could be determined that the minimum height for marking Control Points with 12 Mp camera is 60 m, the accuracy in the measurement improves by 0.35 %, being the best APP DroneDeploy with an average error of 0.66 %. Offering an important technological alternative to improve performance in topographic services.
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