Aerobic Exercise effects on body composition, Cardiovascular endurance, Circadian Cycle, Polar T3 Syndrome in Colombia's first mission to Antarctica
Body composition, Exercise, Extreme temperatures.Abstract
In the austral summer 2014-2015 was developed Colombia's first expedition to Antarctica in order to be consultative country in the Antarctic Treaty System, the Colombian Air Force was linked to a project in Health Sciences pretending determine cardiorespiratory physiological changes, body composition, Polar T3 Syndrome and quality of sleep that occur in acute extreme cold acclimation in a group of explorers of Antarctica, with aerobic exercise for 4 weeks of training. Were valued in Colombia and in Antarctica 36 subjects were randomly divided into two groups, one performed exercise and a sedentary, we applied the clinical index of Zulewsky, Epworth scale, the questionnaire Pittsburg, maximum oxygen consumption and composition bodily. Of the 36 subjects 80% are men and only 20% are women and have an average age of 33.5 years, who exercised decreased 4% BMI, decreased 30% chance of developing hypothyroidism, 48% improved sleep quality, 51% decreased the likelihood of daytime sleepiness and increased 7% maximum oxygen consumption. Increase control sedentary group 10% fat and 10% decreased cardiovascular fitness. Exercise is a protective mechanism in exposure to extreme temperatures and decreases the likelihood of developing metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. More sedentary lifestyle cold end functions facilitating rapidly deteriorating disease of any kind.Downloads
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