The legitimate application of the operational law in proceedings against military for the purpose of the special jurisdiction for peace
International Human Rights, Operational Law, Judicial Proceedings, Military Criminal Justice, Ordinary Justice, Special Jurisdiction for PeaceAbstract
The judicial investigations against the military have been a current topic that has been the subject of discussion by the wider community for more than a decade. These investigations carried out by the judicial authorities address the functions of the military in the combat area thus questioning their operations. However, being these the main goal of the judicial processes must also be the analysis and the interpretation of the rules that govern them, this is the Operational Law. This article analyzes the International Humanitarian Law, its application in Colombia, the legitimation that this one does to the Operational Law, the normativity used in the judicial investigations that are advanced against the military and in connection with the Peace talks in Havana, the normativity that is intended and is expected to apply for the military when its about the review and discussion about the reported operational results.Downloads
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