Qr codes based on mobile learning as a strategy for formative research: A pilot case
Formative Research, Mobile Learning, Research Problem, QR CodesAbstract
This article provides a strategy with tools that lead the interested to pose a research problem through incorporating mobile technology. Having identified the needs, a learning environment mediated by mobile devices was designed in order to develop skills to identify a problem in the field of aviation security through QR codes. The research is supported by a case study with a qualitative approach; the data was obtained through observation and instrument design, used to describe the dynamics of the integration of mobile devices in the formulation of the research problem; the sample consisted of fourteen students of the Specialization in Operational Security Management (EGSO), the obtained results were analyzed from the initial categories: problem formulation and collaboration tools, and emerging categories: APP as an educational resource and accessibility. Overall, the analysis of the research problem design with QR codes is presented. This research was carried out in the (EGSO), with the purpose of contributing to the search for effective strategies for students to choose to incorporate into their research projects.
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