Analysis of the damage tolerance under the criterion of the elastic-linear fracture of the wing of a sports category aircraft. (lsa)


  • Fabio Alejandro Merchán Rincón Universidad San Buenaventura
  • Christian Fabián Rodriguez Universidad San Buenaventura
  • Andrés Alberto Ayala Flórez Universidad San Buenaventura
  • Fernando Alberto Quintero Universidad San Buenaventura



Aircraft Structure, Aluminum Alloy, Crack Growth, Residual Life., Damage Tolerance Analysis, Finite Element Analysis, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), Multiphysics Simulation


The following article presents a methodology for applying a Damage Tolerance Analysis to the wing structure of an LSA category aircraft. This study contemplates a CFD analysis in ANSYS Fluent where aerodynamic loads that work on the wing are calculated, followed by a structural resistance analysis in which an integration Fluid-Structure Interface is made to determine the maximum stresses supported by the structure using Finite Element (FEA) performed in ANSYS Workbench, an analysis of critical crack sizes on the primary elements of the structure and a residual life calculation of this elements in order to create NDT inspections intervals to ensure structural integrity of the aircraft wing.


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Author Biographies

  • Fabio Alejandro Merchán Rincón, Universidad San Buenaventura
    Ingeniero Aeronáutico, especialista en Aviónica, CMSc en materiales y proceso de manufactura. Profesor Facultad Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería - Ingeniería Aeronáutica
  • Christian Fabián Rodriguez, Universidad San Buenaventura
    Ingeniero Aeronáutico egresado de la Universidad de San Buenaventura, actualmente investigador del Grupo: Fábrica de Aviones y Proyectos Especiales de la Corporación de la Industria Aeronáutica Colombiana S.A.(CIAC) y partícipe del proceso de certificación tipo de la aeronave Calima T90.
  • Andrés Alberto Ayala Flórez, Universidad San Buenaventura
    Ingeniero Aeronáutico egresado de la Universidad de San Buenaventura.
  • Fernando Alberto Quintero, Universidad San Buenaventura
    Estudiante de último semestre de la Universidad de San Buenaventura.


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D.S. Dawicke (1997). "Residual Strength Predictions using a Crack Tip Opening Angle Criterion". Proceedings of the FAA-NASA Symposium on the Continued Airworthiness of Aircraft Structures. DOT/FAA/AR-92/2, pp.555-566.

DTD Handbook, Damage Tolerance Testing, (2014)

P.R. Abelkis (1980). "Effect of Transport Aircraft Wing Loads Spectrum Variation on Crack Growth". Effect of Load Spectrum Variables on Fatigue Crack Initiation and Propagation. D.F. Bryan and J.M. Potter (Eds.). ASTM STP 714, pp. 78-134. Also see AFFDL-TR-78-134 (1978, November).

H. Liebowitz (1974). "Fracture Mechanics of Aircraft Structures". AGARD-AG-176, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development.





Technology and Innovation

How to Cite

Analysis of the damage tolerance under the criterion of the elastic-linear fracture of the wing of a sports category aircraft. (lsa). (2016). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 11(1).