Aprendizaje de actividades motoras en procesos prensiles con el uso de una prótesis mecatrónica controlada por señales mioeléctricas en personas amputadas entre codo y muñeca


  • John Jairo Páez Rodríguez Universidad Pedagógica Nacional




Learning of motor routines, myoelectric signals, observation learning environment, somatotype learning environment, mechatronical prosthesis


This project makes part of an investigation about augmentative aids for disabled people, and has as main objective to develop a prosthesis of the biomechanical system hand – wrist in order to investigate the influence that it has in the development of certain abilities and cerebral configurations during the process of learning.


Due to the hand permits to create a system of self-representation, it is a point of convergence in the system of visual, tactile and proprioceptive (perception of the own position) feedback. Besides this, it materializes  the intentions of the thought through the connection with the ventral system accessing the linguistic areas of the temporary lobes where semantic processes are developed (due to the relation of handling – identification – transformation of objects).

In the same way, it offers the brain new ways of approaching old tasks and the possibility of undertaking new ones and, because the brain through the hand models its process, makes the world and its extra personal space.


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Author Biography

  • John Jairo Páez Rodríguez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

    Licenciado en Diseño Tecnológico - Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Magister en Tecnologías de la Información Aplicadas a la Educación - Universidad PedagógicaNacional. Magister(c) en Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Investigador Principal Grupo SynapsisUPN - Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.


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How to Cite

Aprendizaje de actividades motoras en procesos prensiles con el uso de una prótesis mecatrónica controlada por señales mioeléctricas en personas amputadas entre codo y muñeca. (2011). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 6(1), 31-35. https://doi.org/10.18667/cienciaypoderaereo.30