B-Learning Training, Changes in Teaching Practice
B-Learning, capacitación, integración curricular, prácticas docentes, proyectos telemáticos colaborativosAbstract
This article is the result of a research project titled as “Teaching practice: influence of b-learning training on tele-cooperation projects”, which objective was describe the changes presented on teaching practice of a group of elementary and middle school teachers of a State Educational Institution of Cundinamarca, located in Zipaquira (Colombia), from training carried on b-learning methodology in tele-cooperation projects. A mix of two types of methodologies was used: the first on DIATRIAC investigation, which consists in a concurrent triangulation where quantitative and qualitative data is collected, and the second on the experimental descriptive Method. During the development of the research several techniques for data collection were used, contributing to the fact of having 3 settings for comparative analysis. This research also identified the aspects that mobilize, activate and develop a teacher while participating in a specific training, and besides contributed with guidelines for designing of programs to strengthen the integration of informatics on teaching practice. Finally, research results were also employed to create meaningful proposals for a greater change on Online Teaching Practice of Information and Communication Technologies use.Downloads
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