The Necessity of a Transdisciplinary Conception of the Construction of Knowledge
Complex Thinking, Education, Knowledge, Paradigm, TransdisciplinarityAbstract
This article argues for the necessity of a transdisciplinary perception that will permit the integrative understanding of the world in better accordance with its daily functioning, beginning with a paradigm of distinction, conjunction, implication and multidimensionality. This will allow for the proposal of changes which benefit humanity through the promotion of reflective and critical thinking about the relationships human beings have with one another, with themselves, with objects and with the world in general. To this end, the article briefly covers systems of thought from the mythical to the scientific through the lens of empirical-analytic, systematic, and complex paradigms. The relation to multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary concepts is included. The article is a thematic review which corresponds to a qualitative investigation with a documentary approach. It invites the construction of innovative education projects, in particular those which are transdisciplinary, which will use an epistemological perspective to combine the disciplines and guide the construction of knowledge in a more integrated and humble way, interconnected with reality and life itself. This will permit solidarity, acceptance of diversity, and the multiplicity of conceptions and beliefs, thus leading to the creation of a more humane world.Downloads
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