Learning by doing in the virtual world
B-Learning, digital tools, digital management tools, learning environment, meaningful learning, methodological strategies, virtual toolsAbstract
The following article is the product of research intended to identify methodological strategies to encourage graduate students to use virtual tools in their professional practice. This investigation was carried out through the use of the applied research model, which uses social cybernetics, and the experimental descriptive method, throughout the diagnostic, planning, and management phases. A common perception holds that the implementation of information and communications technology (ICT) is in itself sufficient to improve the education process, without regard for the supportive framework which allow an adult professional to commit to improving and developing enhancement of the skills that today's world requires. Furthermore, some believe that “learning by doing” educational experiences, based in ICT, are the key for the achievement of the proper use of technological tools, without paying attention to the teaching strategies which allow for effective learning of and with technology. After testing many strategies, which are detailed in the paper, the authors identify several tools which allow students to improve their level of knowledge of virtual culture, their use of technological language, and their motivation to approach ICT with greater confidence.
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