Reflection about Fourth Generation Warfare, a Vision from Actors without Power Resources in Traditional Terms


  • Carlos Alberto Ardila Castro
  • Carlos Antonio Pinedo Herrera Universidad Militar Nueva Granada



Asymmetric Conflict, Asymmetric Super Power, Destabilization of Long Encourage


This article discusses some of the existing theories around the Modern Warfare phenomena in International System frame under a neo-realistic outlook, looking for characterizing singularities typical to the appearance of the Asymmetric Warfare concept and its use by the authors without power resources in traditional terms. Roughly speaking, the qualifying of Asymmetric is applied to the post-Cold War violent conflicts in which the strategic stature of some of the parts is meaningfully less in comparison to their opponent’s, so that the inferior, with the goal of not being defeated in conventional terms, uses methods, weapons, doctrine, and even non-conventional ethic norms, to carry out its warfare acts, which from Westfalia had been analyzed in function of the traditional actors of the International System and political-strategic conceptions of the trinity war of Clausewitz, and the revolutionary warfare of dialectical Marxist trend in its different shades. Revolutionary Warfare Strategies of dialectical-Marxist trend are considered among others: the Combination of all forms of Fight of Lenin, The Popular Prolonged War of Mao, the Defense of a lonely Country of Stalin, even the Focalism Revolutionary Model of Castro and Guevara.


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Author Biographies

  • Carlos Alberto Ardila Castro

    Profesional en Ciencias Militares, Gerente en Seguridad y Análisis Sociopolítico, Magíster en Relaciones y Negocios Internacionales, Especialista en Estudios Políticos, Consultor del Centro de las Naciones Unidas contra Tráfico de Armas Municiones y Explosivos, el desarrollo y la paz para Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Miembro del grupo de investigación PIREO.

  • Carlos Antonio Pinedo Herrera, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

    Profesional en Ciencias Navales, Especialista en Seguridad y Defensa Nacional. Especialista en Administración de la Seguridad, Magíster en Relaciones y Negocios Internacionales. Actualmente Docente de Planta y Director del Programa de Administración de la Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional en la Facultad de Estudios a Distancia de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Miembro del grupo de investigación PIREO


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Management and Strategy


How to Cite

Reflection about Fourth Generation Warfare, a Vision from Actors without Power Resources in Traditional Terms. (2014). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 9(1), 79-87.