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Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors

  • Authors should submit their articles using the Open Journal System platform (
  • It is necessary to comply with the requirements established in the “Text requirements” section, within which the preferred file type, document format, font, font size, and line spacing are described. The style manual prepared by Ciencia y Poder Aéreo must also be considered before submissions.
  • It is also necessary to follow the ethical and process recommendations set forth in the “Duties of authors” section, such as sending a presentation form; considerations about authorship and related issues; the need to provide accurate information on funding and institutional affiliation; permission to submit documents for peer-reviewing; grant permission to use their data in platforms such as Publindex or Crossref; stating that the article is original, has not been submitted simultaneously to other journals, is not redundant, and accepting the transfer of intellectual or patrimonial property rights to the Graduate School of the Colombian Air Force.

General Guidelines

All submissions must: 

  • Belong to the areas of Operational Safety and Aeronautical Logistics, Management and Strategy, Technology and Innovation, and Education and ICTs.
  • Be an original document, not previously published nor submitted to another journal.
  • Be scientifically documented and display coherence and internal unity.
  • Indicate the type of article: research paper, research-based reflection paper o review paper.
  • Indicate the research project, registration (if available) and/or any related data.
  • State the institutional affiliation of all authors, their professional profile and contact details, as well as their role in (intellectual, experimental or writing of the paper). Authors should also include their ORCID and CVLAC information, in case of working for an institution in Colombia. It is recommended to follow the guidelines of the International Registry of Authors-Links to Identify Scientists ( for including authors names.
  • Declare any conflicts of interest.
  • Be subject to a peer-review process, whose concept is relevant for deciding upon their publication.
  • Allow the use of information in Publindex and Crossref platforms.

Manuscript Requirements and Structure


Text Requirements


  • Articles must use Times New Roman font type, 12 points, single line spacing.
  • Figures, tables and equations must follow APA standard, 7th edition. For example, these elements must be consecutively numbered and cited within the text, taking into account the correct style for titles, notes and source. 
  • Acronyms will be fully named the first time they are mentioned, with its abbreviation presented in brackets. Subsequently, only the acronym will be used. Acronyms previously introduced should be used throughout the text.
  • Cites and references should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) standard, 7th edition.
  • Footnotes will be only be used for adding relevant information to support the text.

Structure for Each Type of Article

The title of all articles should be included in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. As a footnote, state the type of article, information regarding the research and other related data —research group, project registration, funding entity, and other information—. The title must have a maximum of 15 words. Authors must state the subject area of their paper.

Abstract: should be included in Spanish, English, and Portuguese and have 150-300 words in length.

The abstract of research papers should follow this structure: introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions.

The abstract of reflection articles (synthetic abstracts) present the significant aspects of the study in a logical way, highlighting the results obtained by authors.

The abstract of review articles present the main points of analysis (descriptive summary), offering the main findings from their comparison. In the case of systematic review or meta-analysis studies, a structure similar to that of research articles should be followed.

Keywords: 3 to 6 in alphabetical order (consider the thematic words provided by thesauri in the “Classification of Articles” section) and separated by a semicolon (;).

Research papers must have introduction (mention the research problem), methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, recommendations, and acknowledgments (optional).

References must be in alphabetical order, following APA standard, 7th edition. These should correspond to peer-reviewed journal articles, books published by academic editorials, have a doi number, and have been published during the last five years.

In a separate file include author(s) information, name and surname, brief curriculum vitae, institutional affiliation, e-mail and postal address (workplace address and/or mail address), contact phone numbers and academic or professional relation, and role within the production of the article (intellectual, experimental or writing of the paper).

Preparing your Submission

As part of the submission process, authors are committed to verifying that the submitted documents meet all of the requirements described below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to authors.

  1. The submitted work has not been previously published nor sent simultaneously to another journal.
  2. The manuscript is in Microsoft Word, Open Office or RTF format (electronic file .doc, .rtf or .odt).
  3. Articles must use Times New Roman font type, 12 points, single line spacing.
  4. References are presented in alphabetical order, following the guidelines of the APA standards, 7th edition.
  5. All figures and tables are properly placed within the document and not at the end of the text. These should be cited in the document. All figures (graphs, images, photographs) and tables should be separately sent in high quality or an editable format for design purposes.
  6. The submitted paper should be prepared for the blind peer-reviewing process, that is, references to authors’ identity and names have been removed from all the document and replaced by the word «author(s)» (document properties included).
  7. Authors’ data should be attached in a separate file, including name and surname, brief curriculum vitae, institutional affiliation, e-mail and postal address (workplace address and/or mail address), contact phone numbers and academic or professional relation, and role within the production of the article (intellectual, experimental or writing of the paper).
  8. References mostly correspond to articles in peer-reviewed journals or academic books published during the last five years. These have a doi number or an operating link.
  9. Transfer of intellectual property rights. Intellectual property refers to artistic, industrial or scientific creations. The journal adopts the following principles for the transfer of intellectual property rights:
  • All authors must complete and sign the form “Presentation letter and License Use – Economic rights,” in which they manifest that they are the original authors (aspects related to the license of use and economic rights are also included).
  • The editorial team is, therefore, exonerated from any obligation or responsibility for any legal action that may arise from the submitted work regarding the violation of the rights of third parties, whether they are intellectual or industrial property, trade secret or any other.
  • It is the responsibility of authors to obtain the necessary permissions for the use of images subject to copyright.
  • In case authors decide not to publish their paper in the journal, the aforementioned rights assignment will have no effect and authors will recover all the rights for exploiting their work.
  • Submitting an article does not imply that the journal must publish such contribution, since all submissions that, in the opinion of the Editor, the Editorial Committee or the Scientific Committee, meet the requirements and address the fields of Operational Safety and Aeronautical Logistics, Management and Strategy, Technology and Innovation, and Education and ICTs will be subject to a peer-review process.
  • Unless otherwise stated, the confidentiality policy and the legal notice of the journal are understood as accepted at the time of completing the submission of your paper and the registration form on the website:

Plagiarism Prevention Policy

Authors are responsible for the content of their papers and associated materials and declare their originality and unpublished character. Ciencia y Poder Aéreo examines all the manuscripts submitted for publication using the anti-plagiarism software iThenticate, which exposes the percentage of similarity of a given work with others already published or available in databases, thus establishing its degree of originality. Ciencia y Poder Aéreo follows the process recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics regarding a possible suspicion of plagiarism. Thus, if a text reports a similarity rate of 20%, the editorial team will request adjustments to the document. When this similarity represents a greater rate or corresponds to complete and significant blocks of text, the document will be considered plagiarized and the editorial team will proceed to ask the authors for explanations. If these are not satisfactory, the manuscript will be automatically rejected.

Initial Assessment Policy

Ciencia y Poder Aéreo journal carries out an initial assessment of all submissions in order to verify that the basic requirements regarding format, scope and scientific quality are met. Articles that comply with these requirements are included in the editorial process, in which the plagiarism prevention policy procedure is applied. Subsequently, verified submissions are sent to academic peer reviewers and those who receive the necessary score will continue in the review and publishing process.

Peer-reviewing Process

Reviewers are assigned according to their expertise based on the topics covered by a paper. In this way, the corresponding invitation, evaluation format and suggested deadline are sent. All papers will be submitted for evaluation by internal and external academic peers. The latter is a double-blind reviewing process.

Each reviewer issues a concept taking into account the following scale:




To be published under its current status.


Publishable with minor format or writing adjustments or slight methodological or theoretical changes.


Requires significant changes in the methodology or the theoretical sections.

Not acceptable

Not publishable: major changes required in various aspects (writing, methodology, theory and argumentation).

 Peer reviewers issue their concept based on the following criteria

  • The theoretical and experimental originality of each document.
  • The relevance of submissions for current discussions in the scientific discipline addressed.
  • The level of research advance of a specific field of knowledge obtained from the proposal.
  • The theoretical or conceptual strength of submissions.
  • The quality of the references used in each work, in terms of topicality, peer-reviewing nature, the inclusion of doi numbers, and their appropriateness to the fields studied.
  • Methodological robustness, measured by the supporting methodological approaches used, the instruments, the population, and the internal, external or ecological validity of a study.
  • The level of analysis of the results, in which results are contrasted against the research questions and the authors are able to discuss findings using broader theoretical aspects.
  • The validity of the conclusions. Reference is made to the degree to which conclusions logically derive from the discussion and the results, as well as their contribution to a specific research field.
  • Writing, coherence and cohesion. This criterion determines the appropriateness of submissions in terms of wording, clarity, spelling and the adequate pace of the narrative followed by the text.

Reviewers will have the responsibilities specified in the section “Duties of Reviewers” in order to contribute to an impartial decision on the feasibility of each paper submitted to the editorial process. In addition, they will ensure compliance with allotted times, make confidential handling of documents, expose possible conflicts of interest they may have, and show objectivity in their decisions. On the other hand, reviewers are required to identify possible ethical flaws of manuscripts (plagiarism, submission to another journal, or their complete or partial publication) and to communicate such a situation to the members of the editorial team on time.

Revision and Publication

 Revision and Publication Process

  1. Once an article is received within the deadlines for a call, the Editor and the editorial team will assess if the manuscript meets the general requirements in terms of format, thematic relevance and scientific quality. Submissions that meet such requirements will be included in the editorial process, which incorporates plagiarism-prevention procedures. After that, submissions will be directed to the Editorial or Scientific Committee (internal evaluation).
  2. Reviewers will be assigned according to the subject areas covered by a paper, sending the invitation, the corresponding evaluation format, and specifying the deadline for their revision. This is a double-blind reviewing process.
  3. Each reviewer must use the following scale to evaluate submissions:




To be published under its current status.


Publishable with minor format or writing adjustments or slight methodological or theoretical changes.


Requires significant changes in the methodology or the theoretical sections.

Not acceptable

Not publishable: major changes required in various aspects (writing, methodology, theory and argumentation).

1.  Reviewers must issue their concept based on the following criteria:

  • The theoretical and experimental originality of each work.
  • The relevance of submissions for current discussions in the scientific discipline addressed.
  • The level of research advance of a specific field of knowledge obtained from the proposal.
  • The theoretical or conceptual strength of submissions.
  • The quality of the references used.
  • The methodological robustness achieved.
  • The level of analysis of the results and the discussion.
  • The validity of conclusions.
  • Writing, coherence and cohesion.
    2. The final result of the reviewing process will be informed to authors by the Editor, or a delegate. The journal does not compromise to agree with the authors about the criteria adopted. Feedback on the concepts is made in case authors decide to incorporate the corresponding improvements in terms of form and content.
    3. Each accepted paper will be subject to a new review by the Editor and the Editorial Committee. Authors of accepted papers must complete and submit the form “Presentation letter and License Use – Economic rights assignment.”
    4. Afterwards, final versions will be received, carrying out a new internal review, which verifies that changes were made and that ethical standards are still being met.
    5.Proofreading is carried out to subsequently submit the final version for typesetting and design. Authors and proofreaders will review the typesetting and design of each article. Finally, the corresponding issue of the journal will be published.
    6. Each author will receive an e-mail announcing the publication of their paper. Authors must revise the proofreading and the layout of their paper to guarantee that their communicative purposes are fulfilled and ensure errors were not made. It is recommended that authors participate in the dissemination and promotion of their paper so that their research can reach a greater audience. For this purpose, a guide that explains in detail how to perform this procedure will be provided. In some cases, multimedia files will be made, subject to authorization by the Graduate School of the Colombian Air Force.

Open Access Policy

Open access is a tool that allows collaboration in scientific research and contributes to increasing academic visibility. This journal follows the principle of sharing the academic and scientific information included in each of its issues, thus allowing reading, downloading, copying, printing, or distributing contents, without financial or technical obstacles. The only limitation is that proper credit must be given to authors, following international citation standards. The model used by the journal is an open access diamond route, in which access is completely free, with no processing fees, no author-facing publication fees, or embargoes over articles.

Submission Fees 

Ciencia y Poder Aéreo does not charge authors any fee for submitting an article.

Publication Fees

 Ciencia y Poder Aéreo does not charge authors for the processing or publishing of their articles.

Self-archiving Policy

Self-archiving policies correspond to the position of university publishers and their editorial teams on the access to their files, exploitation rights and publication licenses, as well as the relevance of the self-archiving of contents in institutional or thematic repositories made by authors of such works. In this sense, the journal will state if pre-print or post-print versions (or both) of articles can be published. Ciencia y Poder Aéreo establishes that authors must use the published version of their articles, that is, the version reviewed by peers and that went through the complete editorial process. They must make explicit that the article was published in Ciencia y Poder Aéreo and link the document to the official doi number of the article.


 Sherpa/Romeo is an online database that provides summaries of publisher copyright and open access archiving policies. Based on the categories defined by this system, the Graduate School of the Colombian Air Force is a RoMEO blue publisher, which means that authors are allowed to archive the final version of their articles in repositories, stating the corresponding doi number and mentioning it was first published by Ciencia y Poder Aéreo.

Crossmark Policy

Ciencia y Poder Aéreo journal adopts Crossmark to keep readers informed of any changes made to already published contents. Crossmark is a Crossref initiative to provide a standard way for readers to locate the current version of a piece of content. Ciencia y Poder Aéreo recognizes the importance of preserving the integrity of academic records for researchers and libraries, therefore, the journal ensures that its electronic archive always has reliable content. Clicking on the Crossmark logo will tell readers the current status of a document and may also give you additional publication record information about such document. Contents with the Crossmark logo are those published on the current or future website of the journal.

Under Crossmark policies, Ciencia y Poder Aéreo accepts two types of changes

  • Minor changes, including format, grammar, or spelling adjustments. In case this type of changes are requested, the Journal will need to report changes to readers, so that the current status in Crossmark remains updated.

For this reason, authors are asked to actively participate in the final editorial process, so as to reduce the need to resort last-minute changes.

  • Major changes. They refer to the retraction of an article due to an error or the need to correct the name of an author. The Journal will make an erratum with its own doi. An adjustment will also be made to the authors' Crossmark status.

Authors are strongly asked to verify information regarding authorship, institutional affiliation and funding in order to avoid this event.

For more info on Crossmark, go to

Archiving Policy – LOCKSS/CLOCKSS Archiving System

Aiming at digital preservation, Ciencia y Poder Aéreo adopts University of Stanford LOCKSS system, which is an open-access network that allows libraries to gather, preserve and share online contents. The journal also uses the CLOCKSS system, which runs over LOCKSS technology. 

Exchange, Distribution, and Public Relations Policies

By means of traditional (print) and recent media, such as social networks, blogs and research platforms, the Journal will seek the continuous dissemination of the works published. The authors should actively cooperate in the dissemination of their work, for which the specialized editorial team provides didactic resources and help in the technical production of support materials.

Ciencia y Poder Aéreo adopts the recommendations of Comunicar Journal, one of the leading editorial projects in Ibero-America, regarding the establishment of partnerships with other journals in order to mutually strengthen their performance. In case of being interested, partner journals must consider the following:

  • Our logo and the name of our journal must be linked to their website as direct advertising.
  • Researchers and reviewers might be shared based on their experience and fields of study.
  • Joint publication of calls for papers and advertising on new issues published should be carried out.
  • The establishment of an integrated communication policy through social networks.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

Privacy Statement

Ciencia y Poder Aéreo, journal of the Graduate School of the Colombian Air Force, protects personal information and will make reasonable efforts to properly handle the information trusted. All the information collected, as well as related requests, will be treated with the same attention, in accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data.

Collection of Personal Data

Under some circumstances, the journal may request personal data, such as name, e-mail address, institutional affiliation, telephone number, among others. Incumbents’ response to these questions is voluntary. Ciencia y Poder Aéreo will use this information to personalize users’ experience while browsing in our site and to personalize users’ interface with our electronic resources. You can visit our site without revealing any personal information.

Collection of Domain Information

Ciencia y Poder Aéreo also collects domain information for the analysis on the use of this site. These data allow us to better understand our users, readers, and other public visiting our site. Ciencia y Poder Aéreo will use this information to improve its functioning on the web. This information is gathered automatically and does not require any action from users.

Disclosure to Third Parties

Ciencia y Poder Aéreo treats users’ information as private and confidential and will not disclose any data to third parties without their consent. The only exception to this rule are the records necessary for Publindex and Crossmark platforms, which are aimed at the upright functioning of the Journal within the national and international scientific ecosystem.

Use of Cookies

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