Extension of servicelife for GBU-49 bombguidance systems ofthe ColombianAir Force





Extension, shelf-life, safety, AECTP-600, SECAD


In the warehouses of the Colombian Air Force, aeronautical spare parts and aerial weaponry acquired during critical moments of the armed conflict are stored, and they are approaching the end of their service life. Given the manufacturers’ policies, which include safety factors in the design and determination of service life, it is a priority to study the possible extension of the service time of this material, provided that the safety and quality requirements established by the manufacturer are maintained.

This article analyzes various methodologies to evaluate and extend the service life of military systems and materials, focusing on documents such as AECTP-600, MIL-HDBK-1763, JOTP-001, and other relevant studies. nato’s AECTP-600 presents a ten-step method that includes design analysis, risk management, testing, and performance optimization. The U.S. Department of Defense’s MIL-HDBK-1763 focuses on the compatibility and maintenance of payloads on aircraft, while JOTP-001 provides guidelines for assessing the safety and effectiveness of non-nuclear munitions. Additionally, studies such as Mark Ashcroft’s work on ammunition life cycle management and the analysis by Štefan Pivko and Štefan Timár on the impact of storage conditions are reviewed.

The Colombian Air Force applied these principles to extend the service life of the GBU-49 guidance system, documenting the process in the Aeronautical Product Certification Plan, validated by the Defense Aeronautical Certification Office. Through this plan, exhaustive tests and statistical analyses were conducted to project the degradation of critical components, resulting in a five-year service life extension. This approach ensured the safety and functionality of the system, demonstrating the importance of rigorous evaluation and risk management in the extension of military material service life.


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Ashcroft, M. (2022). A traditional approach to munition life management. Energetics science and technology: An integrated approach (A. S. Cumming, ed.; pp. 9-22). IOP Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/978-0-7503-3943-8ch9

Department of Defense. (1998). mil-hdbk-1763, Department of Defense Handbook. Aircraft/stores compatibility: Systems engineering data requirements and test procedures. EverySpec Standards [en línea]. http://everyspec.com/MIL-HDBK/MIL-HDBK-1500-1799/MIL_HDBK_1763_1775/

Pivko, Š. y Timár, Š. (2014). Effect of Storage Conditions on the Viability of Ammunition, University Review, 8(3-4), 29-33. https://ur.tnuni.sk/fileadmin/dokumenty/UR_V8_ISS3-4_29to33.pdf





Technology and Innovation

How to Cite

Extension of servicelife for GBU-49 bombguidance systems ofthe ColombianAir Force. (2024). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 20(1), 78-88. https://doi.org/10.18667/cienciaypoderaereo.835