Development of hybrid proberockets to boost the aerospaceindustry in Colombia




Sounding rockets, aerospace industry, hybrid propulsion


Sounding rockets, used in space research, carry payloads to high altitudes and allow
varied studies in short space times. They are cost-effective tools due to their non-orbital nature
and the absence of expensive propellants, which makes them ideal for studies in areas inaccessible
to satellites. Recently, hybrid sounding rockets fuse characteristics of solid and liquid
fuel engines and have emerged as innovative solutions, offering advantages in performance,
safety and control. These rockets use propellants containing elements in solid and liquid or gas
phases. Despite technical challenges such as reduced combustion efficiency, they have gained
relevance in academic and recreational applications.
The methodology of this study combines quantitative and qualitative approaches to understand
the global probe technology, identify characteristics of hybrid rockets and explore
opportunities for their implementation in Colombia. Hybrid propulsion is aligned with the opportunities
and challenges of the Colombian aerospace environment, offering a technical and
strategic alternative. The final results, such as the construction of the ainkaa H1 rocket, validate
the feasibility of developing hybrid rockets in Colombia. Finally, it is essential for Colombia to
strengthen its infrastructure and collaborations to take advantage of opportunities and consolidate
its position in the global space market.


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How to Cite

Development of hybrid proberockets to boost the aerospaceindustry in Colombia. (2024). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 20(1), 15-32.