Architecture and softwaredesign for picosatellitesoriented towards monitoringand predicting forest firebehavior (CAFO-2019)
Architecture, fires, monitoring, picosatellites, prediction, decentralized systemsAbstract
The project focuses on the development of a decentralized system for monitoring and predicting forest fires using CanSat. The main objective is to facilitate timely decision-making in the fight against forest fires, leveraging the advantages of decentralization, scalability, and security. The work encompasses several stages, from the design and construction of the CanSat to software development and system architecture definition. The ESP32 microprocessor and Arduino programming language are used to program the system, and a web server is implemented to visualize the data. The microservices approach allows for complete decentralization of the system and efficient interconnection between nodes. The technology-independent scalability is highlighted, and security measures are implemented to protect communication and data. The results show that the implementation of the decentralized system meets the requirements for availability, scalability, and security. The real-time response capability and distributed data processing are emphasized to improve decision-making in forest fire prevention and management.
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