Dynamic analysis of rounded projectiles

Software solution development





Drag, kinematics, kinetics, lift, Magnus effect, mathematical modelling


The study of object motion has intrigued scholars for centuries, yet grasping the underlying physics and mathematics has remained a challenge. However, recent advancements in computational methods and the utilization of mathematical models from the 18th century have enabled a profound understanding of motion and accurate approximations of real-life object movements. By harnessing tools such as MATLAB and engineering analytical methods, we can create applications that simulate the motion of spherical projectiles. This provides valuable insights into real-world object motion and the associated forces and physics. Dynamic analysis, encompassing both kinematics and kinetics, allows for a detailed exploration of motion dynamics. Inspired by the concept of an ‘Olympic goal,’ (Clayfield, n. d.), our developed application allows users to visualize the impact of aerodynamic forces on objects. It demonstrates concepts like drag, lift, and the ‘Magnus effect,’ offering initial insights into object motion in fluid environments (Mody, 2015). This understanding acts as a foundation for modeling more intricate systems, including airplanes, rockets, and aerospace components. Notably, the application’s graphical representations of essential modeling elements provide a significant advantage. Furthermore, by emphasizing the motivations behind these phenomena, the application fosters curiosity and encourages users to delve deeper into these captivating events.


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Technology and Innovation

How to Cite

Dynamic analysis of rounded projectiles: Software solution development. (2024). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 19(2), 46-57. https://doi.org/10.18667/cienciaypoderaereo.822