Administrative procedure for the reception and custody of aerial components as seized assets




Training, documentation management , normative procedures, traceability


The objective of this research is to analyze the administrative procedure in the reception and custody of aerial components as seized assets in the General Warehouse of the Police Aviation Department. To achieve this purpose, a qualitative approach was employed, using interviews as the main method of data collection. The results highlight a series of challenges in this essential process for the operation of the Police Aviation Department. Among the most relevant findings is the lack of clear normative procedures and a solid legal foundation to support the reception and custody of aerial components, which has created difficulties in the valuation of assets in inventory. Additionally, the need to train personnel and the availability of experts were identified as critical elements to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the reception and custody process of aerial components resulting from seizure and provided by PRONABI. The management of documentation and the traceability of seized aerial components stood out as essential aspects for the control and monitoring of the components, and the lack of accurate documentation hinders these processes.


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Operational Safety and Aviation Logistics


How to Cite

Administrative procedure for the reception and custody of aerial components as seized assets. (2024). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 20(1), 33-45.