Entrepreneurial state and national development plan, 2002-2026: Opportunitiesto the Colombian securityand defense sector
Political economy, defense, economic development, industrialization, state securityAbstract
The economic invisible hand guide of industrial development has not proven to be an option with clear social and economic benefits. The case of Colombia is not an exception. How do we recover the role of the Colombian State as a growth, innovation, and development promoter from the security and defense sectors? This article argues that, from Mariana Mazzucato’s missional economy perspective, it is possible to achieve it. A model that is understood by Latin-American nations as it remembers the import substitution industrialization strategy (isi) applied during the second half of the 20th century. The study uses qualitative and historiographic methods to analyze primary and secondary sources. The results show how the Colombian defense and security sector can boost the entrepreneurial state thanks to its industrial capabilities and past achievements. Option rooted in the possibilities opened by the national development plan (pnd) and the sectoral policy, 2022-2026.
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