Icing in aircraft: a challengefor safety and air efficiency





icing aircraft, ice formation mechanisms, effects of icing on the aircraft, , icing prevention and mitigation strategies, technological advancements in icing prevention


Aircraft Icing is a complex and potentially dangerous phenomenon that occurs when the surface of an aircraft becomes covered in ice during flight in adverse weather conditions. This process can have serious implications for the safety and performance of aircraft, affecting aerodynamics, stability, and control.

This work aims to analyze ice formation mechanisms in aircraft, classify and characterize types of icing, evaluate atmospheric conditions for ice formation, identify vulnerable critical zones to icing, explore icing prevention and mitigation strategies, and compare ice protection systems. By achieving these objectives, a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the icing phenomenon in aircraft is expected to be obtained, ranging from its mechanisms to strategies for its prevention and mitigation.


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Operational Safety and Aviation Logistics


How to Cite

Icing in aircraft: a challengefor safety and air efficiency. (2023). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 19(1), 68-80. https://doi.org/10.18667/cienciaypoderaereo.786