Humanitarian issues and aerospace power

Airpower applications in the Amazon




Defense and Air Power, International Relations, Humanitarianism, strategic studies


The paper discusses the importance of the use of Aerospace Power associated with Humanitarian Issues in the Brazilian Amazon. This approach seeks to observe the impact of air and space power on humanitarian protection and national defense actions. The research problem to be discussed deals with what is the relevance of the Brazilian Aerospace Power in dealing with humanitarian issues. It deals with the importance of the National Defense Policy and the National Defense Strategy, identifying the relevance of Amazonian cooperation and Brazil's insertion in complying with international agreements in South America. The main documents that regulate interagency action in Brazil are listed, as well as the evolution of air support for this operation. Identifies the concept of refugee considering the contemporary perspective on vulnerability. It discusses the applications of the Air Power, focusing on the application of aerial means considering the Acolhida Operation between 2018 and 2020. The research concludes on the insertion of the Brazilian Aerospace Power in a current perspective when dealing with humanitarian issues, considering studies from the area of International Relations and Strategic Studies.


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Management and Strategy


How to Cite

Humanitarian issues and aerospace power: Airpower applications in the Amazon. (2023). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 18(2), 106-117.