Performance of Combat Air Command No. 4 in defense of the “Caño Limón-Coveñas” oil pipeline




Threats, defense, doctrine, critical infrastructure, risks


The “Caño Limón-Coveñas” (OCC) pipeline is characterized by having a route such that its interruption, destruction or disruption has the potential to significantly compromise the supply of hydrocarbon services in Colombia. Therefore, the OCC is considered critical infrastructure, i.e., a type of facility and asset to be protected and defended by the State through its military forces, such as the Colombian Air Force (FAC). Given the superiority of air power for the control of threats and the present and potential risks of the pipeline, the Air Combat Command No. 4 (CACOM-4) is no stranger to the fulfillment of this duty. The purpose of this research is to analyze the performance of CACOM-4 on the OCC from the perspective of favorable and unfavorable factors. The methodology is qualitative, analytical type, and with field design based on interviews to officials of the organizational entities (CACOM-4, FAC, Ecopetrol) linked to the study phenomenon and on the observation of events recorded by CACOM-4 (span 2018-2019). As a result, it was obtained that CACOM-4 acts in defense of the OCC, which is a critical infrastructure due to its internal (layout, extension, design) and external (crude oil theft, attacks) vulnerabilities. Such action is based on (improvable) actions that, together with permanent links (to be increased), face the vulnerabilities of the OCC. Finally, it is concluded about the factors that contributed in that period to an effective operation of CACOM-4 in defense of the OCC. However, it was deduced that such performance was more reactive than preventive, which leads to the need for a better synchronization and articulation with other entities and forces, in addition to an improvement of the doctrinal aspect of the OCC and strategic management tasks.


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Author Biography

  • Andrés Felipe Pérez Torres, Fuerza Aérea Colombiana, Colombia.

    Magíster en Ciencias Militares Aeronáuticas Capitán Fuerza Aérea Colombiana Colombia Rol del investigador: teórico y escritura Grupo de investigación: Ciencias Militares Aeronáuticas


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Management and Strategy

How to Cite

Performance of Combat Air Command No. 4 in defense of the “Caño Limón-Coveñas” oil pipeline. (2022). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 18(1).