Security in biological threat contexts




Biological threats, context, security approaches, research, paradigms


Faced with the new global panorama framed by the biological threat produced by the COVID-19 virus, the security analysis frameworks provided by the social sciences must expand their interest to the understanding of the structural change that the new social and political order may face, as well as the production systems around the world. Thus, within the field of global and local risks, the preponderance of biological threats in their context is beginning to be recognized and, therefore, the imperative need to delve into an interdisciplinary look at the problem. The result of this new research framework should be based on the advances and novel proposals in terms of social research techniques, especially those that construct their interpretation of meaning according to their contexts.


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Author Biographies

  • Alejandra Cerón Rincón, Escuela Superior de Guerra, Colombia.

    Doctora en Estudios Políticos y Relaciones Internacionales Docente e investigadora Escuela Superior de Guerra Colombia Rol del investigador: teórico y escritura Grupo de investigación Masa Crítica.

  • Yuber Rico Venegas , Escuela de Instrucción Militar Aérea, Colombia.

    Magíster en Ciencias Militares Subdirector Académico Escuela de Instrucción Militar Aérea Colombia Rol del investigador: teórico y escritura Grupo de investigación en Seguridad Integral, Inteligencia y Ciberdefensa (GISIC)


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Seguridad Integral

How to Cite

Security in biological threat contexts. (2022). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 18(1).