Trends and challenges in operational safety training research in the Fuerza Aérea Colombiana
Education, training research, human factors, training, safetyAbstract
The article aims to analyze the current state of the formative research generated in the Master's Degree in Operational Security (Maeso) of the Graduate School of the Colombian Air Force (EPFAC), with the intention of visualizing the academic products and the projection of learning outcomes in the program since its inception. Likewise, it seeks to explain the elements that present the interests of the students and the current lines of research, in order to establish challenges in the formation of specialized professionals. It also seeks to recognize strengths and research needs, problems of interest and areas of study that allow strengthening the field of study of operational security in Colombia. Among the results found, the socio-critical analysis of the problems of the aeronautical context from the point of view of operational safety is interpreted, and the interest in responding to the research field from qualitative research with consolidated products such as programs, protocols or guides. It was found that most of the works are programs that aim to prevent, mitigate and manage safety in civil and military aviation. The line of research on human factors has been the most extensive based on its direct impact on the positions held by the students, but it is followed by safety management with the works that are being developed.
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