Feasibility study for the creation of a regional low cost airline
feasibility, airline, company creation, low costAbstract
This article evaluates the feasibility of creating a low-cost regional airline in the city of Cali, Colombia, through a descriptive study. For this, a background, a theoretical and con[1]ceptual framework from various authors were compiled, and an interview was constructed that was applied to 397 people, where from the results obtained the behavior of the variables was analyzed and the sample was concretely characterized. As a conclusion, the feasibility study showed that the business opportunity is attractive from a numerical perspective and has high viability from the market components, since the routes to be offered do not have direct connec[1]tions between them, allowing a constant flow of passengers. In addition, the airline would be the only one to operate such destinations without connections, which theoretically increases the profitability of the business, given that the routes to be served by the airline are projected due to factors such as quality airport infrastructure and its underutilization, as well as the lack of direct competition and the profitability demonstrated in the past by other airlines.
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