Assessment of the context, evolution and prospective vision of the airports for Essential Air Services in Colombia
Airports for Essential Air Services (AEAS), connectivity, infrastructure, ssential Air Services (EAS), National Development Plan, public policyAbstract
The main objective of this research paper is to take stock of the context, evolution and pro-spective vision of the Airports for Essential Air Services (AESA) in Colombia, related to the progress made by the public policy for Essential Air Services (EAS) in these airports in recent years (1994-2021); and to take stock of the importance of connectivity in national integration for economic, social and cultural de-velopment. The starting point is the adequate provision of air transport services and aeronautical and airport infrastructure. Cases of the regional and internal level that can contribute to the development and progress of public policy are addressed, and that together with the collaboration and participation of the beneficiary communities, the State and national and international entities, there is the purpose of orienting resources for pre-investment planning, the development of airfields and the construction of capacities for the operation and maintenance of these infrastructures in the population living in re-mote areas, ending with the identification of the incidence factors that have not been taken into account in the public policy and that do have a great impact on the territories to be treated. The need for a re-evaluation of the public policy is evident and its result should be part of the National Development Plan 2022-2026 and subsequent ones. This document worked under the qualitative methodology, since doc-uments and textual data were collected and analyzed. The historical method was also applied, in which the different stages and evolution of the subject were related. The inductive method gave us the possi-bility, in general terms, to draw conclusions that could be useful, applicable and taken into account in the reality of the public policy discussed throughout the document.Downloads
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