Analog space missions as research for the development of science and technology in the Colombian Air Force




Isolation, extreme environments, Analogs; Confinement; Exploration; Extreme environments; Isolation; Scenarios., confinement, scenarios, exploration


Nowadays, analog missions are a transcendental factor for the training of ground crew members, projected to participate in space operations. Likewise, these missions become the most cost-effective option for space operations, since they are developed in natural or ar[1]tificial scenarios on the Earth’s surface, which allows research and training. Therefore, in this document an approximation of concepts from different authors is made, which helps to show the different analogous scenarios in the world. Likewise, some results of a research led by the Colombian Air Force are presented, in which analogous scenarios were identified in Colombia, such as: Tatacoa Desert, Villa de Leyva Desert, Nevado del Ruiz and Marandua.


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Desarrollo Espacial - Ad Astra

How to Cite

Analog space missions as research for the development of science and technology in the Colombian Air Force. (2023). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 18(2), 6-19.