New military roles and other risk management measures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia
Colombia, new roles, pandemic, human securityAbstract
The current global crisis, originated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has demanded the effective response of the State through the interagency coordination of its institutions and civil society. This article explores how, since the beginning of the 21st century in Colombia, the necessary conditions have developed for the Armed Forces to project, build and deploy in the territory new capabilities related to the control of new challenges present in the security contexts. These contexts were initially related to the peace building process in the territory, but in the context of the new disease and its contagion, they have mutated into situations associated with health brigades, emergency care and containment of the civilian population in crisis situations. By discussing some of the measures that have been implemented in the country since the beginning of the health emergency declared in March 2020, the aim is to analyze how the efforts and programs associated with the construction of new military roles in Colombia can be the basis for new risk management strategies
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