Behavior of the use of open data in Colombia (2016-2021)
Open data, information, internet, ColombiaAbstract
This article is an exploratory study about the publication of open data in the period 2016-2021 in Colombia. It also addresses the measurement of its use by the population based on the number of views and downloads. From there, the research objective is to measure the progress in the amount of open data, published topics, which official entities publish, and the interaction of the population with these contents. The results obtained show that the entities have made adequate use of the “Guide for the publication of open data” developed by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTIC) since 2016, and there is compliance with the quality standards of the data presented according to the measurement of the “Berners Lee Five Stars”. In the conclusions, it is evident how the search for information on covid-19 substantially modified the interests of the population, with the health and social protection category being the most consulted.
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