¿Puede contribuir la proyección social del programa de la especialización en gerencia de la seguridad aérea al incremento de la demanda del transporte aéreo y su nivel de seguridad?


  • Alfonso Galeano Serpa Instituto Militar Aeronáutico




Studies done worldwide have concluded that air travel is the safest means of transportation. Flight has become part of everyday life-statistics show that 1500 million people travel by plane every year. To meet this demand, designers and engineers are building a generation of airplanes that are able to carry more and more people. Even though accident safety scientists constantly carry out experiments and tests to guarantee that future flights will be safer; recent studies in the United States show that one out of each eight persons does not fly if it is at all possible. lt is in this context that the Military Aeronautical lnstitute, through the social projection that is part of the Specialization in Air Safety Management, can generate a culture that guarantees a safe flight andan increase in the use of this means of transportation.


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Author Biography

  • Alfonso Galeano Serpa, Instituto Militar Aeronáutico

    Piloto Curso 50, Especializado en Seguridad Aerea, Diplomado DOoccncia Universitaria, Asesor Programas de Seguridad Aérea, lns· tituto Militar Aeronáutico.


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How to Cite

¿Puede contribuir la proyección social del programa de la especialización en gerencia de la seguridad aérea al incremento de la demanda del transporte aéreo y su nivel de seguridad?. (2007). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 2(1), 17-20. https://doi.org/10.18667/cienciaypoderaereo.74