Job demands and health damages of air traffic personnel. Health-Safety Integration
aerospace medicine, air traffic control, health at work, job demands, safetyAbstract
Aviation is considered one of the safest means of transport, but it is also one of the most demanding sectors for its personnel. Air traffic workers are exposed to different job demands that can affect their health, negatively impacting in the safety levels. To understand the repercussions this demands have on the health of the staff, a cross-sectional, observational, and descriptive study was carried out with a sample of 199 workers from Servicios a la Navegación en el Espacio Aéreo Mexicano (SENEAM), the air navigation service provider in Mexico. The proessat’s individual survey, the depression, anxiety and stress scale (DASS-21), and the subjective symptoms of fatigue test (Yoshitake) were used. The results were analyzed, considering a level of statistical significance of p≤0.05 and a confidence interval of 95 %. It was found that adopting uncomfortable positions during the workday is associated with a greater number of health damages, mainly musculoskeletal disorders [PR(a)=2.35, p=0.000]. People who sit on uncomfortable surfaces have twice as much fatigue [PR(a)=2.50, p=0.003]. Those who work the night shif [PR(a)=1.75, p=0.001], and work more than 48 hours per week [PR(a)=1.72, p=0.002], have a higher prevalence of anxiety. Job demands are affecting the health of the personnel, impacting their performance, and reducing the safety levels. It is recommended to implement an integrated management system, for both aviation risks, and safety, health, and environment hazards at work to improve the organizational environment and health of the air traffic personnel, without affecting the safety of operations
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