The Colombia-Peru Border through the Binational Development Support Operation
Colombia, Peru, international cooperation, development, border, securityAbstract
This paper presents a qualitative study, under an analytical and inductive approach, of the implications, in terms of security and development, of the Binational Development Support Operation on the Colombia-Peru border during 2007-2019. To do this, the most representative actions in the execution of said operation were specified, in addition to determining the evolution of the quality of life in this area, based on the concept of the development derived from the operation. The scope and fulfillment of the goals and objectives proposed by the Colombia-Peru Binational Development Support Operation were also addressed in this study. This analysis established, on the one hand, the importance of strengthening this kind of operations in the border area studied, and others with similar characteristics, in order to promote territorial development together with local inhabitants. On the other hand, findings point to the need of engaging more public and private institutions and foreign governments in the construction of international cooperation scenarios for the benefit of development and security, in this particular case, of the riparian zone of rivers Putumayo and Amazonas, bordering territories between Colombia and Peru.
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