Design and Implementation of the Preventive Maintenance Plan for the Equipment at Granitos y Mármoles Acabados SAS
design, implementation, preventive maintenance plan, equipmentAbstract
This research proposes the design and implementation of a preventive maintenance plan in small industries that began in the form of family businesses, without adopting a maintenance strategy such as Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM). The proposal allows identifying the most critical equipment (through a criticality analysis) for the process in order to adopt strategies that eliminate failures. The methodology used in this research, learned in the maintenance courses of the Mechanical Engineering Program at Universidad Libre, allowed generating formats that facilitated the management of equipment and the visualization of information and other documents required for the monitoring and control of the activities related to each asset. The case study company, named Granitos y Mármoles Acabados SAS, is a micro-enterprise in the business of maintenance services to all types of natural stone, which has operated for over 20 years without carrying out any maintenance strategy for its equipment. This company considered the need to implement a maintenance strategy in order to optimize its production methods. The study was complemented with a financial analysis (ROI and IRR calculation) that allowed evaluating the investment in maintenance, and not only as an expense. By applying theoretical and analytical procedures, it was verified that the services provided by this company tend to become more efficient, proving with figures the economic retribution generated by a maintenance plan. The contribution of this research to future studies lies in the development of a maintenance plan for SMEs that have not implemented this technical or operational culture with their equipment, and that, in the long term, generates a decreased loss of profit and greater productivity.
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