Incidence and Impact of the Burnout Syndrome in TH-67 Pilot Instructors at the Helicopter School of the Colombian Armed Forces
Working conditions, instructors, burnout syndromeAbstract
This research seeks to estimate the incidence of burnout syndrome, also known as occupational burnout syndrome, at work and its relationship with the administrative and operational workload of TH-67 pilot instructors at the Helicopter School of the Colombian Armed Forces. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in order to identify the presence of burnout syndrome. The study involved the application of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, which evaluates three dimensions: personal accomplishment, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. In addition, the association with the working conditions of flight instructors in regard to training and flight operations, as well as dministrative and military tasks, were also considered in this study. The results showed that Burnout syndrome is not a frequent condition in pilot instructors, since emotional exhaustion and depersonalization dimensions reported low levels in most participants, while personal fulfillment recorded high levels. Besides, no association was observed between the studied labor factors (hours of training, time in an administrative position, hours in an additional position, administrative burden, and number of years as a TH-67 instructor).
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