Theoretical Review and Application of Space Science to Reduce Fuel Consumption in Rockets and Space Vehicles




Economy and Sustainability; Equator; Spacecraft; Rotation Speed


This paper approaches the basic foundations of Space Sciences around geometry, earth speed, celestial mechanics, and the use of the advantages offered by our planet for the self-sustainability and profitability of the space industry. The study addresses issues such as the position of space launches and the general costs of putting payloads into space, with a particular focus on Space Science, fuel, energy, and super-heavy spacecraft. In the development of the text some qualitative research techniques were used to describe the possible economic effects of quantifying the savings of space launches, examining the benefits offered by the natural physical characteristics of the spatial position of Colombia and 12 more countries located on different continents, which, due to their geographical location, count on lands at zero latitude on the globe. This information will allow the reader to easily approach a specific area of knowledge with the intention of promoting spatial knowledge through science as a tool for understanding new concepts, favoring contextual analysis and stimulating critical and reflective thinking as a dynamic source of research in a field little studied until now, but with immense possibilities for exploration and multiple benefits for the society.


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Author Biography

  • Guillermo Alberto Poveda Zamora, Investigador de la Escuela de Postgrados de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana

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Technology and Innovation

How to Cite

Theoretical Review and Application of Space Science to Reduce Fuel Consumption in Rockets and Space Vehicles. (2020). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 15(1), 152-160.