100 Years of Climbing to Heights





Technological Development, Colombian Air Force, Temporary Structures, Generation of Knowledge, Air Power, Professional Development


The entire country has witnessed 100 years of history when looking at the sky. One hundred years of evolution and development in which the Colombian Air Force has been the inventor of great achievements, feats that only fulfill the sole purpose of safeguarding Colombian airspace. However, this centennial must be seen through a focus that allows glimpsing the completeness and complexity of the Force from those significant milestones that actually open the door to the universe of knowledge of it. Therefore, factors such as technological development, the generation of new knowledge, the versatility and flexibility involved in the application of air power, and the professional development and constant training of military and non-uniformed personnel are some of the predominant factors for the Military Institution outlined herein to fulfill its constitutional duty.

For such purpose, this article has three sections which aim to briefly analyze both from the genesis of the Institution to its present times. Two of them are the sets of structures of temporary development that have defined one hundred years of the Force, being such dynamics those that characterize the three headings of this reflection: Initially, the aforementioned military entity was involved in processes of professional development and constant training of its military and non-uniformed personnel to face multiple transnational threats. As a second stage, such air military power began to develop new knowledge that has allowed it to expand its institutional capabilities in terms of versatility and flexibility. This has had a significant impact at the international level insofar as these conglomerates, which are still in force today, have helped this military entity transcend the various national borders; this work has had the objective of transforming and strengthening its different forms of intersubjective relationship, which has allowed this State organism to support both different nations of the world on a humanitarian basis as well as scientific research at the same time.


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Management and Strategy

How to Cite

100 Years of Climbing to Heights. (2019). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 14(1), 20-41. https://doi.org/10.18667/cienciaypoderaereo.620