Multi-dimensional security and Aerial Power: OAS and Air Force Doctrines to Strength the Development of Security and Defense: What is Colombia’s New Panorama?
Multi-dimensional Security, Aerial Power, Colombian Air Force, Doctrine, New Threats, Traditional Threats, Preoccupations, New ChallengesAbstract
This research article approaches the issue of security and the defense of the nations from the perspective of the Aerial Power use in Colombia before the challenges of multi-dimensional security. For this purpose, the methodology of revision and documentary analysis was applied, which allowed to make a comparative exam of the theoretical, conceptual, and practical elements of Aerial Power from three specific topics. The first of them is that related to the doctrine of Aerial Power in Colombia and the traditional threats to multi-dimensional security; the second relies in the need to articulate the use of aerial power in contexts of preoccupations and new challenges to security, in which relies the most revolutionary position of the concept of multi-dimensional security. The former process facilitated findings deduction and drawing important conclusions, giving answers to the problem that was stated.
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