Development of a methodology for calculating levels of pollutant emissions in alternative internal combustion engines


  • Luisa Fernanda Mónico Muñoz Universidad de San Buenaventura
  • José Daniel Cabezas Paredez Universidad de San Buenaventura
  • Sebastián Buitrago Triana Universidad de San Buenaventura



Otto Cycle, Diesel Cycle, Nitrogen Dioxide, Particulate Material, Alternative Internal Combustion Engine, Nitrogen Oxide


This article presents a procedure that allows to theoretically and preliminarily calculate the levels of pollutants produced by any type of alternative internal combustion engine in order to reduce the costs and resources that brings an experimental test for the same purpose. The main objective of this study is to present the calculation of the levels of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate material with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 micrometers, based on the geometrical and operation parameters of alternative internal combustion engines (MCIA), which are used in aircrafts and land vehicles. First of all, some of the previous investigations that were performed are presented, which are taken as a starting point to calculate the polluting emissions. Subsequently, the development carried out to find the braking power is shown, which value provides an important contribution when finding the levels of pollutants. Then, the results obtained are shown, which are compared to experimental test results to determine the reliability of the methodology through an analysis of variance –ANOVA. Finally, conclusions are presented.


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Author Biographies

  • Luisa Fernanda Mónico Muñoz, Universidad de San Buenaventura

    Nació en Bogotá, Colombia. Es Ingeniera Aeronáutica de la Universidad San Buenaventura, de Bogotá, Colombia. En el 2010, obtuvo su título de Maestría en Motores de Combustión Interna Alternativos en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia de Valencia, España. En el 2013 terminó su doctorado en Sistemas Propulsivos en Medios de Transporte en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia de Valencia, España Atualmente se desempeña como docente del Programa de Ingeniería Aeronáutica en la Universidad de San Buenaventura, sede Bogotá, Colombia, y pertenece al grupo de investigación Aerotech donde realiza estudios en la línea de Energía y Propulsión.

  • José Daniel Cabezas Paredez, Universidad de San Buenaventura
    Ingeniero Aeronáutico de la Universidad de San Buenaventura, sede Bogotá.
  • Sebastián Buitrago Triana, Universidad de San Buenaventura
    Ingeniero Aeronáutico de la Universidad de San Buenaventura, sede Bogotá.


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Operational Safety and Aviation Logistics

How to Cite

Development of a methodology for calculating levels of pollutant emissions in alternative internal combustion engines. (2018). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 13(1), 54-71.