Experimental validation model of Activ and Smca app’s for health-care


  • Leonardo Juan Ramírez López Universidade Mogi das Cruzes, Brasil
  • Jeisson Steven Sánchez Mahecha Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia
  • Yuli Paola Cifuentes Sanabria Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia




Model, Validation, Experimental, Mobile applications, Healthcare.


The validation processes, over time, have become an essential requirement to comply with all research that develop instruments or devices for data collection. Therefore, validation models ensure that applications and devices are safe and effective because it verifies compliance with technical specifications at the international and national levels, this ensures the proper functioning and minimize the potential risks that arise during its use. In addition, the boom and adoption of information technologies in the medical-clinical field has generated validation problems, especially in App, which are elaborated by different software that does not validate its operation, suitability, effectiveness and safety before being marketed or loaded onto distribution platforms. This fact represents an enormous responsibility with the society, especially for the cases in which its use generates risks in the health of the users. The aforementioned arguments led the telemedicine research group of the Military University –TIGUM with the support of the research group on Health, Physical Activity, Art and Culture -ISAAC to develop an experimental validation model of the App called Activ and Smca , developed by TIGUM in order to promote the use of technology in health care. The tests were coordinated by the ISAAC group, individually for each volunteer who signed the informed consent, all volunteers performed a physical activity on the treadmill with five different speeds for 13 minutes measured heart rate and physical activity level. This model has a series of descriptive processes that evaluate different aspects of validation that the App used for health care must meet. It has been achieved the comparison of the data obtained from the applications with the data obtained from standard fitness equipment. The obtained results verified a deviation of p <0.05, which allows to determine that the proposed model is suitable to validate the Activ and Smca applications. This model can be used as a reference to validate other similar App when comparing the data generated by App with clinical / fitness devices.


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Technology and Innovation

How to Cite

Experimental validation model of Activ and Smca app’s for health-care. (2017). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 12(1), 192-201. https://doi.org/10.18667/cienciaypoderaereo.571